Week 1: Drink 14 cups of water a day - √
Week 2: Get 8 hours of sleep per night - √
Week 3: Keep off the couch - √
Week 4: Keep a food journal -√
Week 5: See the glass half full - Working on it
Week 6: Multi Vitamins - I remember about 50% of the time... need to work harder on this one.
Week 7: Keep the outside out - 75% yes, 25% no
Week 8: Eat your Veggies-√
Week 9: Enjoy time alone-√
Stretch a minimum of 20 minutes three times a week to maintain flexibility.Hmmmm... I need more hours in my day!
One thing I discovered yesterday was that I liked doing Yoga and Strength exercises with Wii Fit right before bed. I`ve been having trouble staying asleep because I get a strange restlessness in my legs that make me feel like I have to flex and stretch my legs compulsively, thus keeping me from falling back to sleep. However, since I`ve been doing more exercise, I have noticed that it has been less. So I think that 20 minutes of stretching right before bed might just be the thing I need.
Great idea! And yes, it will help you sleep....