Starting Weight - 235 on January 1st, 2012
Current Goal - 210 by April 28th, 2012
Current Weight - 214.9
Weight lost this week - 0.4 lbs
Weight lost so far- 20.1lbs
Not my most stellar week, but I seem to be getting back into the swing of things.
One thing that I'm finding lately is that I'm I am ready for bed by 9:30 every night. While the extra sleep is great for me, I'm hoping that my body levels out. It makes for a very short evening when most nights Liam is still awake and reading in bed as I'm falling asleep. I suspect that the tiredness is coming from all of the extra exercise, so maybe as I get into better shape my body won't find it so hard to recover.
A good night's sleep will help you lose weight, too! Enjoy the zzzzs!