Thursday, May 23, 2013

IF Diary - Day One of Fasting

(can I just say that I've been around adoption type blogs too long, every time I see the acronym IF I automatically think invitro-fertilization)


Today was the first day of Fasting.  I had my omelette toast and green tea before leaving for work.  Throughout the day all I had was 2L of water (with calorie free flavoring) and 4 cups of green tea. I felt hungry around 10:30, the time I normally have a morning snack, and then again around 14:30.  Each time I was able to distract myself and wasn't very bothered by it.

At no point during the day did I feel faint, dizzy or head-achy, all side effects that I thought I would have to deal with.  I did however feel EXTREMELY tired.  I'm not sure if I'm just tired or if it is an effect of the low calorie intake.  I yawned my way through the afternoon but have perked up since getting home.

My salad for diner was huge and very filling:

And even now, 2 hours later, I still don't feel hungry.  Weird......

I weighed in this morning at 206.5 lbs and my waist measured at 42 inches.  I don't have a timeline in mind for how long I want to do this.  Once I see how sustainable the 2 days of fasting is, I'll have a better idea of my long term plan.

Sorry if this is a repeat of FB posts... just trying to get my thoughts down on this process.

1 comment:

  1. juicing is a great way to have a lot of energy and lose weight. no need to ' not eat'. its how you ' eat'. my father in law did a 2 week juice fast this past month and lost 29 pounds and 21 cm off his waist.
    I am juicing for a detox after quitting 20 years of smoking.
    the documentary fat sick and nearly dead is a must watch. the gerson therapy is a must know.
    I wish you all the luck - if , fasting doesnt work how you it to try juice!
    hope all is well! and when I see IF I think invetiro.
