Current Weight -
Goal Weight - 220
Weight lost so far- 7.5 lbs
7.5 pounds in 5 weeks... this is the longest that I have been able to stick to a plan and actually see significant weight lose! Now I just need to keep it going. I'm coming down with a cold and I'm worried that this will interfere/be my excuse to not exercise. And we've rented a car for the weekend which means a lot of running around - without actually running.
Overall though I've done well this past week, sticking to my calories and exercising 6 out of 7 days. I'm still enjoying the Wii Fit and am finding my stamina improving. I was also at the doctor this week so I weighed myself on her scale and the Wii is pretty bang on to the weight, so I'm glad I made the choice to add in the extra 5 pounds and use a more accurate scale.
I'm really enjoying the comraderie at The 'Hood and having a place to turn to for support. It makes a huge difference to know that I'm not alone in my journey.
NO, you aren't alone and you are doing great! Keep up the great work!